Saturday, August 05, 2006


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Went town-ing with my girl. And angela. It was supposed to be with my girls, but the situation turned diff. We seperated norhs, bah. ):
Apperently, met up with sister. At her house. Cause' some things happened and made me so dissapointed in her. Hais .
Wanted to meet bibi at town but we reached there at abt 5+ . So did'nt get to meet up.
First thing we did when we got to town was get my stuffs and then next is madd's stuff . Shortly after, shopped around. It was fun as we did so much crap. haha ! :D
Slacked and walked to cine. By then it was alr 6\7+ le, so went had our dinner.
Ate the jap food at cine. JAP food = Thumbs up.
Madd was wearing heels and you shld know what happened. Wearing heels to town is dreadful !
Moral of the story ; nvr wear heels to town. (:
Saw so many stuffs that were plaaning to get on sister day . ha !
Hope we have the money. I'm so seriously broke man. Going to town always make me broke.
serious. So headed to heeren that's just opp cine. I bought marshmellows alright.
Get envious ! haa. So i was supposed to continues the story from here but some things cropped up ytd. Don't ask the obvios, pls.
Like what the, this is such a short post laa. I wanted to say so much ytd and now i forgot everything. zz ! i shall blog more next time alright. BOOS !


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