Friday, October 27, 2006

Seletar Camp

A fateful trip to Seletar Camp

On 27Oct 2006, 17 teenage girls with several instructors, took a trip to Seletar Camp with curious feelings.
Left counselling center at around 7plus and arrived slight later than 8.
Th topic of th day was : FEAR
They want us to overcome our fear. ''Overcoming one fear=Overcoming all fear''
It really took so much courage.
Was brought to see this house where th history says where th kernel lives with his wife and they couldnt bore any child. But one thing they have is servants/maids.
There was this particular servant, a female, promised to give her child in exchange of th house.
But when the servant gave birth to th child, she refused to give her child.
Thus, th kernel&his wife was so angry that they took th child, throw her out of th camp and banished her.
Cruel, uh?
Where we were going was th camp beside th house where all th kernel's soldiers saty/learn.
We were first brought to th canteen of th camp, and one by one they had to take turns to challenge.
Slowly, one by one and th remaining left was Joan, Hazel, Joey & me.
Th next one to go was Me, Joey and hazel.
Poor Joan, left alone.
First Mr Nair brought us to th first one, where we have to go in, touch th wall, and come out.
We did. &proceeded to where th story of a boy who shot his brains. Where th bloodstain were claimed to be still there.
We went in and looked rather paint than blood to me.
Next was the staircase where a soldier killed his commander for no particular reason.
We skipped that though.
Then to where th prisoners were kept, was asked to strech our hands to th very inside and feel.
Skipped that too, proceeded to th Ladies toilet, th place where history says this female was raped by a group of soldiers while she was taking night shift.
We went in, and Joey claimed she saw hair dangling from th ceiling. I saw nth O__O
Lastly, stood on th stairs, where Mr Nair says there was many birds, killed suddenly, for no reason. And their feathers was stuck there for years.
No matter how hard the people tries to remove it, it comes back.
It's interesting, huh?
Everyone was safe, although th place was cursed. & never ever take spirits for granted.
You never know whether they exisits or not.


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